Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Motorcycle running on Water can travel 310 MILES on a single litre

A water-powered motorbike with the ability to travel up to 310 miles on a litre of water is turning heads in Brazil.

The 'T Power H20’ motorcycle was created by Sao Paulo-based public officer Ricardo Azevedo and can even be powered on polluted river water.
The design features a combination of water and a single external car battery, which is used to produce electricity and separate hydrogen from the water molecule.
The 'T Power H20’ motorcycle was created by Sao Paulo-based public officer Ricardo Azevedo Mr Azevedo said that the advantage of this motorcycle, which works with the hydrogen that comes from the water, is that clean vapour is expelled from the exhaust

The process, involving a pipe system, results in combustion and it is this that creates the energy necessary to power the bike.

Captured on video, Mr Azevedo demonstrates the brilliance of his invention after first drinking clean water from a bottle to prove that it is indeed water and not a form of fuel.

He then sets about filling up before hoping onto his motorbike and hitting the open road.
Later in the video the Brazilian proves how sustainable the bike is by filling up a bottle of water from the polluted Tiete River and running his bike on the filthy water.

Speaking about the motorcycle, Mr Azevedo also suggested that his creation has environmental benefits too.

He said: ‘The advantage of this motorcycle, which works with the hydrogen that comes from the water, is that the result that comes out of the exhaust is water vapour.
‘This is different from gasoline, which the result is carbon monoxide.

Source: Dailymail


  1. I hope it's mass produced ASAP, with any means necessary. Another huge step for Brazil and it's people.

    1. But maybe people from petroleum industry will also try to interfere such production with any means...

  2. I hope it's mass produced ASAP, with any means necessary. Another huge step for Brazil and it's people.

  3. I won't believe it when I see it. I'll believe it when he demonstrates a form of electrolysis that breaks the conservation of energy and produces more energy than it takes to create such a reaction.

    Dailymail should be ashamed for publishing such garbage.

    1. Surely if he can build it then he's smart enough to not try such a simple ruse. I mean... maybe it does work as advertised

    2. Well whatever means he use to create the stuff, it only shows a great possibility of doing away with crude oil

    3. Besides. I'd prefer to replace my car battery every few months and fill up with our garden hose instead of suffering modern petrol prices

    4. This is for all praising this 'invention', but namly you, Randy; splitting water molecules and burning the hydrogen as a fuel is nothing new. I've even seen a fireplace that ran off of water, using the same process. the only thing that is a novelty here is a seemingly regular guy pulling it off, as though it is something average people can 'diy'. I have no doubts and am very pleased

    5. This is for all praising this 'invention', but namly you, Randy; splitting water molecules and burning the hydrogen as a fuel is nothing new. I've even seen a fireplace that ran off of water, using the same process. the only thing that is a novelty here is a seemingly regular guy pulling it off, as though it is something average people can 'diy'. I have no doubts and am very pleased

  4. Now we need a millionaire to make such a good investment on this wonderful invention. I hope Mr Azevedo do not suffer like other inventors that also discovered Green solutions for the world and were put out of the way by the oil lords

  5. This has already been invented; it just hasn't been mass produced. Why do that when you can make so much more money with controlled oil production? Fuck the environment. Screw our children's future. We will back this product when the dead dinosaurs run dry. Then mark up the price forcing you to chose from price gouged T-Power cars or regular gas vehicles at $30-per-gallon.

  6. This has already been invented; it just hasn't been mass produced. Why do that when you can make so much more money with controlled oil production? Fuck the environment. Screw our children's future. We will back this product when the dead dinosaurs run dry. Then mark up the price forcing you to chose from price gouged T-Power cars or regular gas vehicles at $30-per-gallon.

  7. I'm going say to this super intelligent person to be really careful because people from all over the world are gonna try to take him out of the way and we all know who some other smart person's have been murder for the same invention. People who wants to control the world money.

  8. This guy needs to be strong enough to resist a billion dollar check, for all our sakes. The oil companies are gonna try everything they can to take it.

    1. Johan Griesel i totally agree with you on this

  9. I congratulate Ricardo Azevedo on his accomplishments, but because so much of our water already goes towards people, animals, plants and other things, we can't afford to use it. Not even the dirty water...

  10. Great Invention! You could install a toilet on it and travel around the world. It truly is impressive, I would think on a global scale water supply (fresh or salt) and water vapor exhaust (if that is the exhaust) would turn the whole world into a rain forest (ok?).

  11. We can use people who vape smoke to see what long term effects water vapor inhalation has on humans vs. carbon monoxide.

  12. If you go with the toilet option for improved m.p.g. I recommend you don't draft each other.
