Deep in the Amazon lives the world's most endangered tribe, an
ancient group who trudge through the forests of eastern Brazil carrying
everything they own - their children, their weapons and their pets.

Pugliese first met the Awa in 2009, after a journalist friend suggested he accompany him and an anthropologist on the two-day journey down the river to then unprotected piece of rainforest the tribe called home. They heard the sound of the speedboat's engine and they came down to the river bank,' he recalled. 'The impact was like being in another world. The sensation could not be explained.'

They have been pushed to the brink of extinction by European
colonists who enslaved them and ranchers who stole the land they need to
survive. And yet, they live in
complete harmony with their jungle home. Most Awa families adopt several wild
animals as pets and remarkably, the women breastfeed them until they are fully
These people are so close to being wiped out forever that they are
kept safe, away from the modern world.
Pugliese first met the Awa in 2009, after a journalist friend suggested he accompany him and an anthropologist on the two-day journey down the river to then unprotected piece of rainforest the tribe called home. They heard the sound of the speedboat's engine and they came down to the river bank,' he recalled. 'The impact was like being in another world. The sensation could not be explained.'
What the Awa thought
of this stranger arriving in their world was not immediately clear - but they
soon found something to laugh at.
'They do not
understand what a grown man is doing being single, without a family. They look
at me and they try to give me advice. They do not know where I am coming
from. They do not have a concept of the world. 'I cannot explain to them
where I'm coming from, I can't explain the lifestyle to them. For them, it
is unbelievable to be a man who does not have a family.'
Family is all
important to the Awa, and it is not confined to humans. Their pets, who help
them with everyday tasks such as cracking nuts, gathering fruit from high trees
and even watching over them while they sleep, are as much a part of the family
as their children.
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